HIM: So, we've been here almost 3 weeks now. Unfortunately, we had to leave one family member behind until we could get settled in. The member is Aidan the Terrible, my cat. We left him with a good friend of Vanessa's. Since then, we have received word that Aidan, Mindy and her children were having a great time together. Sebastian was asking about him the other night. We all miss having the little fuzzball around.

I've decided to post some pictures in his honor. Before I do, though, it's important to note the actors in the ballad of doom you're about to see.

Cammy - My parent's dog. Hyper to the extreme. I'm not sure anyone's ever actually seen her sleep. If she lays down or stops moving, we think she'll probably explode. Whenever she and Aidan occupy the same locale, she literally runs circles around him and climbs all over until he takes action.

Aidan - My cat. He was abandoned by his owners in a parking lot. My sister took him to college with her for a few weeks. He was an aggressive, feral kitten, so she gave him over to my parents. They let him roam around outside, honing his wild behaviors. At only 6 months old, I recovered him from their house and took him in as my own. On the second day, I went to the bathroom and put him in his box. He looked up at me, watching how I did it, then went himself. In the same week, I remember getting a sandwich and opening it on the table. With me sitting there, I turned just in time to see Aidan launch himself into the air. As he flew toward my food, I caught him midflight. Used to fighting other cats for his meal, it took him several weeks to learn that he was going to get fed and didn't need to fight for it. Eventually, I trained him to trust me and play nice with others. I can clip his claws with fingernail clippers and brush him. Now well behaved, patient, sociable, and playful, he is the envy of every cat owner to cross his path. However, he only has so much patience when Cammy is circling and barking at my parents' house. What follows is a visual account of their play.
Cammy v. Aidan

The Face Off
Aidan engages eye lasers.
The chase is on...
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