Sunday, September 30, 2007
Softball Game Today
By the way, I just want to comment on what a great job everyone did! On D., we've had some amazing catches in the outfield. On O., we've obviously had great hitters and runners, but I'd like to call attention to David's sprint at the pitcher going from 2nd to 3rd.
Knowing that he was about to be tagged out, he evaded the tag and took a route far off the baseline. Out of course, but it was fun just the same. And that's what we're here for (and a tournament win, but we're not quite there yet... ; )
I'm especially looking forward to our new jerseys (thanks Roxie!!!) and not having to play a double-header. Roxie will collect money for the shirts and I will collect your $10 for the league if you haven't paid me already.
See you shortly...
Let's play ball!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
It is usually really hard for me to keep in touch with all my friends and relatives since we all seem to be caught in our worlds and have different lifestyles, but I think of them often and wonder what are they up to and hope for everybody's well being.
Creating this blog site has been really fantastic, it helps me keep in touch with so many people by letting them know what are we doing, where are we and also let others get to knowing me better :).
Everyday is a new day! (Smile as BIG as you can when you wake up, even if you are running late!)
Everyday has a new start. (So don't let the things that brought you down yesterday bring you down today.)
I have a precious life and I am thankful for it. I am lucky I have met you or have you in my life, because if I wouldn't of, I simply would not be the same person I am now or know what I know or be where I am, I am constantly learning, seeking for knowledge, trying to figure what life is all about, I see things now with much brighter eyes and a bigger smile :D.
Life takes you places, you meet wonderful people and create precious memories.
To Frank, Sebastian, all my friends and family. Thank you so much for being part of who I am. Have a WONDERFUL week!.
Quote: "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." -Dalai Lama
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
V at Bistro Aix...
When I arrived at Bistro Aix and met Mike Gorman (sous-chef) and Al (assistant), they didn't have a morning position available at a time. They arranged something up but I had already signed up with Maggiano's. We talked so that I could officially begin my training with them since I had previously visited their kitchen. I signed up last Wednesday (9/19) and they happily agreed to have me on Monday mornings only. I might come a night during the week sometimes, but that will be later.
Updated: My first day as a Bistro Aix employee was this past Monday. Everyone was so nice and welcoming. I had a great time. I will be rotating stations as part of my training. Definitely looking forward to it! :).
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Wine tasting at Maggiano's
There is a Wine Tasting event at Maggiano's at 5:30pm.
7 varieties of wine and Hors d’œuvre.
I have a table reserved and if you are interested on comming along and sharing this experience, let Frank know or txt me and I will add you to the list.
Nivole - Moscato d'Asti - Italy
Kenwood Jack London- Cabernet - London
Foley Syrah - California
Hougue Late Harvest - Riesling - Washington
Lincourt - Charodonnay - Ausralia
Chateau Montrose - Champagne Brut - France
I don't know the 7th one yet. But sure looking forward to it. The event cost is 25 dollars so if you are interested, reply to this blog.
And if you are interested but didn't have enough time to plan let me know too.
I also enjoy wine with my meals or by itself.
Pairing wine up with a dish or dessert. Tasting the different styles from different regions.
Talking about it. The topic is very abroad.
This year we tasted a few newer wines that were out in the market. One of my top choices was the Moscato D'Asti. We tried several Moscatos from this region of Italy and other varieties of Muscats from different countries. Muscat is primarily dry, but some vineyards could produce it sweeter and some as a sparkling style, some are fortified. I recommend a semi-dry version.
Muscat Blanc, Muscat Canelli, Moscato Bianco, Muscat d'Alsace, Muskateller, Moscatel Rosé and Yellow Muscat are some of them. It is very curious how you can taste the grape in all of these versions being so different.
People call them a dessert wine, but the dryer versions go very well with Japanese food, pastas and artisan bread combinations. So if you get the chance give it a shot. I highly recommend it.
Thank you for existing and being part of my life.
Thank you for all the happy moments you have given me and all the memories we create together.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Softball Sunday @ 1:15
This link gives you driving directions and a map from FCSL to the field: MAP
Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Sunday!
Feeling Like Willy Wonka...
At Maggiano's, there are a lot of Hispanic people that do prep. So translating has become an opportunity and it is nice to see some colorful people, they tend to be really funny with their accents and their jokes. They are like 8 of them, women mostly. A little guy that sings just like Madonna, Beyonce and Shakira, quite entertaining. Everyone else speaks english.
Producing in large quantities is definitely different but you can get used to and now things that seemed to be crazy sounding are becoming smooth moves.
The day's work load is large. I must confess that baking 8 cheesecakes is now part of every day's load, as well as baking and icing 100 lemon cookies and making 100 or more Zuccotto bites (chocolate truffles). Plus there's prepping and baking Apple Crostadas, 100 profiteroles, 15 chocolate cakes, 4 full sheet trays of Tiramisu, gallons of chocolate mousse and chocolate frosting, doughs, icing, dessert of the week, you name. There are different things each to make on each day.
I even have an Oompa Loompa (S. to keep his name reserved). Retiree from the navy that wants to learn the pastry business. Claims Emeril as his mentor and food network as part of his training. Talks with laughter about TV shows. Good Humor is required.
PS1: I just wished my parents had made me taller.
PS2: Thank you to all of those that help me reach out for stuff to meet the day's work :)
Monday, September 17, 2007
Softball Games on Sunday!
I can't wait to see them play and take pictures of this upcoming event. I have heard what an awesome team this is, how impresively well they did and how much fun they had on their first practice.
Also, since I have been asked to come and watch the game I thought I would bring water and beer to calm the thirst and entertain the souls of the players. So if anyone reading this post, happens to have a cooler or know the existence of one or want to help with water and beer. Please reply this post to make this happen! Thanks!
HIM: Isn't she wonderful...? =)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Softball Practice Today => Losco Park 1:00
If for some reason the Fates conspire against us this day and rain prevents our practice, I will post a notice of it and send out a mass email. Otherwise, practice is on for 1:00 this afternoon! Bring your bats, balls, gloves, and anything else you think we can use.
If you've got any questions, give me a call or wing a message payloaded paper airplane at me during Property! =)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Softball Roster, Schedule and Map!
This will be our 2007 FCSL softball team:
No. Name and Moniker
#00 Tierney Michel - Tierannosaur
#1 Seth Makarowitz - Big Mak
#2 Jenna Thomas - Jenna
#3 Frank Newkirk - Newk
#4 Jonathan Huynh - Taco
#7 Adrianna Pampanas - Sunshine
#9 James Austin - Jimmy
#10 Martha Mosquera - Pam
#11 David Jones - Jonesie
#12 Jason Stone - Stone
#13 Nichole Blaquiere - Nichole
#17 Brandon Howes - Howes
#23 Roxie Lovett - Rox
#27 Sally Kent - Super Sal
#30 Jill Gunnels - Gunnels
#31 Brien West - Wild West
#42 Scott Kasliner - Kaz
#47 Tad Keller - Nightrain
#55 Jerry Berkhalter - Berkhalter
Team Name
So, I've heard several ideas on names now. "Sting Rays", "F Troop", "Yo' Momma", "Effers", "Your Mother Effers", etc. There were some legitimate concerns raised about using the latter suggestions. In light of the scrutiny our professional lives may attract later on, I believe we should all take this under consideration. Appropriately, please send me some more suggestions and I will post a poll on the website. We should have about 5 or 6 non-mother-effer names to choose from. ;)
As well, the information from the SBA gave us some very specific rules/guidelines:
These are the dates for our games. Our first afternoon is actually a double header. Think of it as an "extended practice"...
September 23
2:00 – Field 2 Light Blue v. Blue
3:15 – Field 2 White v. Light Blue
September 30
3:15 – Field 2 Light Blue v. Grey
October 14
2:00 – Field 2 Light Blue v. Yellow
October 21
4:30 – Field 2 Black v. Light Blue
October 28
2:00 – Field 2 Green v. Light Blue
November 4
Click here to get directions to the game field.
If you have any problems with any of this, please feel free to give me a call or drop me an email. and 812.530.1145
Sunday, September 9, 2007
It was great. My second time trying this popular dish among all American people. Our flavour choices were the Smoky Mountain gold and the Parmesan- peppercorn. They were delicious!
Highlight of the night: Leaving the restaurant, right at the door, a little boy jumped to growl at us, Sebastian took over the scene and growled back at him twice as loud, surprised by this reaction the little boy step back and went away. It was absolutely hilarious!
Advice of the night: Never growled at anyone, unless they growled at you first!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Friday night we decided to try a new babysitter. A miracle lady, who lives on our apartment complex, looking for a little boy to take care of in absent of her grandchildren. Thank you so much Brenda!
While Sebastian was having a fun time with Brenda and a Dalmatian named "MOMMA", we were heading to John's house (one of Frank's classmates).
I got to meet and talk to some new faces, interesting conversations came out and even the chance of getting together for a cookout and other culinary activities of interest as well.
I even shared "The Four Way Stop Crush Story", the story of how I met Frank, (for the ones who haven't heard about it yet).
It was wonderful meeting people of different backgrounds. I even had the opportunity to talk in Spanish with Pamela, a girl from Ecuador who attends law school.
Saturday started at 6:30 am with a never ending list of baking goodies that was finally accomplished by 4 pm. It was such a productive morning and surely glad it went all well.
We had our first guests, Tierney and Seth, who came over to meet us for dinner.
Sebastian, gladly took them for a tour around the apartment.
Dinner at Bistro Aix was nice and relaxing, we all seemed to share similar taste at the table, since we all decided to try the angel hair pasta with a few variations of difference. Some plans for Disney in October, softball practice, the idea of starting a "'A Capella club", the what all to do in Jacksonville, Jewish traditions, were part of the night's conversations. After that, with the idea of enjoying a walk around the San Marco area, we drove to our second stop for desert at the "European Street cafe", after purchasing our choices to go, we were walking down a half a block distance to a site with a beautiful view to the river and downtown night lights. Tempted by the view we left to the Marina to take a "boat taxi" to show us the city. All I can say is that our options seem endless and that I hope to enjoy and share moments like we had and did. Thank you.
By the way, Seth congratulations for winning the election!.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Vanessa and Sebastian on the way to the next hole
It might never happen again but it surely does taste pretty sweet!

Monday, September 3, 2007
It's Magical
I had held out reading any of them until two months ago, when Vanessa noted that she had the first one and I could borrow it. Having been rather unimpressed by the movies, I wasn't sure I'd get into the books. Though, as soon as I picked up the first one, I knew the books were WAAAAAY more compelling!
I blew right through the first 5 books and was half-way through the 6th when the final one was released. Law school and all the preparation for it meant that it's taken me almost four weeks to read book 7. And now, knowing how it ends, I'd like to go back and re-read them all again. Unfortunately, that probably won't happen for all the work required from my classes. Just the same, there's a fun picture from a dinner get-together back in Salem...
Who Am I?
HER: I highly recommend the Harry Potter series of books, even if you are not a fan of fantasy literature. It is definitely for all ages and all I can say it is up to your own imagination. I thought they were FANTASTIC!
Written to detail, it captures so much without being tedious to read. If you get the chance to check them out, do it. If you had already then who was your favorite character? and why?
Hungry Eyes

Note the wine in some of the pictures. We had traveled around to many of the wineries in Southern Indiana and found some that were pretty good. Though, our choice favorite is the Moscato D'Asti. We've seen several ABC Liquors on Baymeadows Road here, but haven't made it in to see if they've got our fave or something equally delicious. We welcome any suggestions and look forward to exploring the wine and cuisine the area has to offer!

HER: Tuesday nights were definitely fun. We welcomed anyone who wanted to join us for some food and wine activity. Since I was usually off on Tuesdays, I had time to play while Sebastian was at school and Frank at work. Not pictured above, we created specialty sandwiches with homemade breads like focaccia, rosemary - potato, basil and feta, you name it. We accompanied the occasion with some tasty wines that we thought were definitely worth trying.
When we moved to Jacksonville, I was most excited having grocery stores all around, as well as the diversity of products available here. Enjoying having some time off and being at home, the options at dinner time were endless. Seafood, meats, cheeses, pastas, breads, and fresh veggies have kept the table of our family dinners very exciting. While at work, being called from a customer table for compliments. At home, the ums... and yums.... were definitely PRECIOUS and PRICELESS!
I love my career, it is definitely my passion and my hobby. Any chance I can get to share it with friends and family makes it all worth it!
HIM: It should also be noted that our table for these family dinners now consists of a computer printer box, which we've grown very fond of. ;) We expect to get a REAL table one of these days, but for the moment, we're contenting ourselves with the simple pleasures of good food and company... =)
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Section Effers Have Fun

Jacksonville NRA (Not Ready for Automatics...)
"Every time you practice, you get a little better..."
Born to be wild!
The family that bikes together... um... ...has fun together!
We talked and dined and played as if we didn't have a 5,000 lb law bear on our backs. ...Well, except for Scott, who we had to rescue in order to retire for the evening... It was a good night. :) Hopefully, we'll find time for many more outings like this one.
Thanks to everyone who made the trip such a good one. And extra thanks for everyone who contributed their winning tickets to Sebastian so that he could upgrade his prize from a tiny toy to a little one! It meant a lot. =)
HER: Last night I definitely had a great time. I got to meet a few of Frank's new friends from school. I'd heard names and of how nice and friendly they were. I'd probably even met a couple on my way to library by chance.
As the night went on our table got bigger. We met for dinner and had some interesting conversations like where we came from, our different backgrounds, things we've done and would like to do. There was even the idea for a trip to Disney. It was great. I even met a girl from Regina, Saskatchewan (Canada).
A few years ago (more like 10) I went to an exchange program in a small town outside Regina. By the way Tierney, if you get to read this blog, I remembered the name: Victoria Apple. Do you happened to know her?.
Anyway, as the night went on our table got bigger. It was a great time and a great pleasure meeting with you all. I know Sebastian had a great time. Thanks again for making the night Sebastian-friendly. Towards the end of the night he mentioned being sad because he lost his friend (Seth, even though he got confused with the names). Sebastian thought we had just left him there all alone.
Looking forward to more activities and meeting more of you!
City Time, Quality Time
HIM: I'm not sure where she was going with this... We ran out of time today and didn't have time for her to finish what she was writing. A "confession" sounds interesting, though, doesn't it? Can't wait to hear what she'd been cooking up in that brain 'o hers. =)
Internet at Home!
I was trying to think of all things we have done since we arrived in the city of Jacksonville and how exciting this journey has been. It is 3 weeks, today, since we left Salem, Indiana. I sure miss Salem, our friends and super cat Aidan, who hopefully will be join us soon at our new home. I am sure he will enjoy it here as much as we do, with all the squirrels and lizards right outside of our apartment. Sebastian wants to catch them everytime he sees them. We are so much looking forward to the rest of the year and the years ahead.
Right now, I'm still adapting to my new job. I took the pastry Chef position at Maggiano's. I have never worked for a corporate business and it has denefetely been quite a change. Everything we offer, we confection there. We make everything fresh and in large quantities just for the day's needs. The restaurant is so busy... I am talking about making 8 cheesecakes, 12 pound cakes, 200 cookies, 8 zucotto cakes, 600 cookies, Biscotti, 60 creme brulees, 60 crostadas + stuff to decorate plates and prep for side orders. For the most part, everyone has been very friendly and welcoming. I'm still trying to adapt to the equipment, since it is large production and there is so much to cover as well. I have an assistant that covers some things as well. But there is so much to do!
So, there has not been much time to slow down and chat. At the end of the day it defenetely feels like the end of the day. It has been my 4th day and seems like the job gets easier as it goes. I am defenetely up for the challenge and a good paycheck!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Missing Family

Cammy - My parent's dog. Hyper to the extreme. I'm not sure anyone's ever actually seen her sleep. If she lays down or stops moving, we think she'll probably explode. Whenever she and Aidan occupy the same locale, she literally runs circles around him and climbs all over until he takes action.

Aidan - My cat. He was abandoned by his owners in a parking lot. My sister took him to college with her for a few weeks. He was an aggressive, feral kitten, so she gave him over to my parents. They let him roam around outside, honing his wild behaviors. At only 6 months old, I recovered him from their house and took him in as my own. On the second day, I went to the bathroom and put him in his box. He looked up at me, watching how I did it, then went himself. In the same week, I remember getting a sandwich and opening it on the table. With me sitting there, I turned just in time to see Aidan launch himself into the air. As he flew toward my food, I caught him midflight. Used to fighting other cats for his meal, it took him several weeks to learn that he was going to get fed and didn't need to fight for it. Eventually, I trained him to trust me and play nice with others. I can clip his claws with fingernail clippers and brush him. Now well behaved, patient, sociable, and playful, he is the envy of every cat owner to cross his path. However, he only has so much patience when Cammy is circling and barking at my parents' house. What follows is a visual account of their play.

The Face Off
Aidan engages eye lasers.
The chase is on...
Internet Ready
It has been a while since we posted some pictures. So...
This is Sebastian's first time at the beach. He went on a shell safari and would have brought home a truckload of shells if he could have carried as much.