Sunday, July 29, 2007

Wedding Bells Are Rung

HIM: We attended the union of Mr. and Mrs. Eric (and Bethany) Ashabraner two weeks ago in Anderson, Indiana. Another marriage down! Only Anthony and I remain un-wed. It was a terrific service and well put-together. There were some pretty horrific moments at the reception, like when the DJ called me up saying that I requested the YMCA song. He made the girls circle up around me and forced them all to dance around in a tribal ritual fashion. I'm sure there are pictures floating around, but luckily, we don't have any from that portion. :)

Everyone came together from out of town. This is a great one of Chris and Vanessa.
As well, we were exploring the basement of the church that the wedding was held and uncovered a centurion outfit, which Vanessa happily donned for all to enjoy. And yes, that is a whip in her hand. Don't ask what she was doing with it... ;)
Strangely, but not really surprisingly, not a single photo of Eric in his tux turned out from either Vanessa or my camera. We do have a nice one of him in the rehearsal, but that's about as good as we could nab. Few of Eric's pictures ever come back without a goofy smirk or odd look of bewilderment. So, this one was pretty impressive by his standards.

And another unlikely photo of Eric.

Thank you for everyone who made it a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

Electronic Eremite said...

So it looks like I am the Joker going to spray Vanessa in the face with my acid flower. Still, the pic is very good.

That DJ needed to be shot. Like when he taunted me by calling me "Almost a doctor Christopher Beck," when I requested that he announce me as Christopher rather than Chris. He was cruising for a bruising.
