Burl and Carmelita Jean - Masterminds Behind Christie's on the Square
I will begin classes at Florida Coastal School of Law on August 20th. We have been scrambling for the last month to get all of our things in order for the possibility of departing and last week we got verification that the last items had fallen into place for our new adventure.
Carol, Barbara and Sandy - Driving Force Behind SOAR! Adult Literacy Program
Now, by "adventure", I mean full time classes and studying in an environment where they TRY to weed-out the less dedicated students. Advanced degrees are no picnic and law school is notoriously trying. Nevertheless, Vanessa and Sebastian will be there to give me the strength to fight through all the growing pains! I expect that there will be many days where Vanessa can take Sebastian to the beach while I'm working in the law library. I fully anticipate that they will both become even stealthier in no time... Meaning, they will be undetectable in the dark for their soon-to-be ultra-tanned skins! =)
In other news, we recently acquired photos from various cameras capturing our activities over the last three months, so be on the lookout for exciting new snapshots! We have a lot to add and it will be a good break from all the packing to get them uploaded. Also, feel free to shoot us an email or, better yet, register for Blogspot and get your own webpage running with all YOUR news! Just be sure to add a link to us and we'll do the same!
Have a great weekend!
Congrats on law school, Frank! Stay cool down in FL!
Hey Frank,
Congrats on going to law school. Think about us next winter when it's zero!
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