We decided to have this picture taken while we were at Magic Kingdom the weekend before Sebastian's birthday. Sebastian has become a HUGE fan of Star Wars and often wonders what it would take to become a Jedi. We posed one at a time and they "cropped" our faces into each of the characters. Sebastian as Anakin, Frank as Obi -Wan Kenobi, and I as Padme. Note -- Sebastian is still a little shorter than I in real life and that isn't Frank's real hair!
HIM: As you may know, inter alia, Sebastian has taken a serious liking to Lego Star Wars thanks to a Wii game by the same name. For his birthday, in addition to some super hero action figures and random Matchbox cars, we picked up a boatload of lego sets for him. His grandparents in Peru even got him the Lego police station. Most of the lego sets are for 7 year olds, but he loves treating the sets like 3D puzzles. We further incentivize him to complete his puzzles by reminding him that after he completes one set, he'll "unlock" the characters or special items that came with it, just like the Wii game. He responded really well and is currently working on a space ship "puzzle" so that General Grievous (a character from the game and movies) will return to find that his ship has been "fixed" by Sebastian.
His fascination with building is just one of the latest indicators that 1) Sebastian is very smart, and 2) Vanessa has done such a great job raising him. Sebastian is able to look at the numbered Lego instructions step by step and piece together the parts all by himself. This takes both patience and fine motor skills, as the pieces are usually quite small. We are so proud of him.
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