Monday, February 25, 2008

Born late...

HER: For the ones who know me, I am running late most of the time. I thought it was a Peruvian thing... running late, half an hour to an hour late most of the time.

Trying to improve this bad habit I reset the times around me, setting the clocks and watches 20 to 30 minutes ahead to avoid the delay.

When I met Frank, I couldn't believed it! He was like I was...!!!! We have the tendency to be late all the time. I apologize it isn't on purpose I just don't know where the time goes? We are trying to improve that!

Recently, I met Shelly (Stefan's wife), who was visiting for the month... and it is the story of our lives, LATE FOR EVERYTHING!!! ALL THE TIME!!, the last couple of times we have missed what was planned , opting for the next best thing to do...

My question is.... are there more people like us out there? or it is some sort of alien force that makes gravity lose track of time??

Regardless, I have enjoyed Shelly's visit to Jacksonville. Until next time! take care and see you soon!

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