Tuesday, January 8, 2008

First Semester - Law School

HIM: After waiting 3 agonizing weeks for results on my law school classes I discovered that I´ve passed all my classes! As each one is graded on a curve, a certain small number of people get A´s and some get F´s Most of the rest fall somewhere in the C range. It was particularly unnerving because I looked at the whole list of grades posted (mine and everyone else´s are anonymously listed through a randomly assigned number...) and I knew that some of my friends didn´t do well in one class or another. Some friends are surely feeling really good going back into the second semester and others are probably dreading returning right now. Regardless, I know that I got what I earned (more or less... ;) and there is another grueling semester beginning 1 week from now. In the meanwhile, I have some more pictures to post.

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