Friday, November 23, 2007


HIM: So, it's time for FINALS at school now. :P Things are going really well, but there's so much to do.

To liven things up, I got news that two of the grants that I worked on before I left Indiana came through. When I worked for the adult literacy program (SOAR!) there were two outstanding grants that we were waiting to hear back on. The director emailed me this week telling me that I got them $6,000 from my efforts. So far, I've won $3 Million for nonprofit programs in Indiana. That's always really exciting. As many of you know may know, grants are a lot of work. They are basically competitive papers for money. There is a strict set of guidelines and you have to persuade a funder of why you deserve the money more than the other applicants. There are many great programs that need funding, so it feels good to hear how projects I've worked on are doing really well.

In other news, our class section had a great Thanksgiving pitch-in last night. Jon offered up his home and good food and conversation ensued. A lot of us were unable to go home for the holiday, so we organized a pot luck dinner. I can't wait until we get the photos up. Sebastian made a dozen new friends and Vanessa showcased her cooking skills. She brought her famous chocolate truffles and made some tasty rice dishes. Roshaika brought us a turkey to cook that turned out pretty good, as well! A baked bree appetizer was my contribution. We all had full bellies and droopy eyelids by the time the night wrapped up. We owe a huge thanks to everyone who showed up and brought food!

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