HER: I like to think of myself as a laid back but competitive person. Since I was raised in a city, my opportunities to be surrounded by nature were quite limited. We had to plan a special trip to escape from the busy - crazy - fun - bright- noisy city. Time went by and I discovered how much I love the great outdoors and all the magnificent sights and wonderful things you can do out there. There is so much to do!!!! And I am one of those people that wants to do it all and guarantees liking it all, while recommending everything as a must-try, at least once. Hiking, biking, rock climbing, fishing, shooting, skiing, surfing, sandboarding...... You name it!

Recently, I found myself trying something unsual that I have never heard before, but that I must recommend! It was so much fun, even though I wasn't very good at it (in other words.... I SUCKED!) But no hard feelings about it. Just an unending list of excuses that I could name off as I type: too cold.... my fingers were about to fall off.... first timer.... never seen anyone doing it before.... I am from the city.... have seen but never touch an axe... I am a girl and girls dont throw

"Axes?" you must be wondering.... and it is correct... after cutting some wood at a maple syrup festival that Frank and I went to. We discovered a game. All I can say it resembled a rustic dart board, with a rounded piece of wood, that had been nailed to a tree. You found yourself standing 20 feet from the target, throwing an axe. Some of you might be familiar with this activity, but I have never seen that in my life!!!!
Fascinated by this challenge, I decided to give it a try. I failed to get my axes to stick INTO the wood, but somehow I managed to throw the axe in such an ackward way that it landed perfectly ON TOP of the rounded wood..... How did I manage to do that....?!
On the other hand.... Frank insisted it was his first time too, but he managed to master the game. 5 of the 6 axes that were given to us found their target in perfectly lined order on the piece of wood.... How did he manage do that????
The interesting point of this is that the very same question is asked... but two different answers were given...
Dating Frank has been so much fun! He wants to do it all as well. I know I am guaranteed an amazingly awesome time, full of laughter and stories every time we get together.
.....I'd like to think he is like the my male version but even better.....
HIM: In all fairness to my small hometown, throwing axes is not a common occurrence. There will be few people "familiar" with the activity... It's not something we do on Saturday nights while waiting for the cows to come home, or anything like that. That being said, thowing axes seems to me to be very easy. =)
Vanessa and I have the same taste in activities, food, philosophy, history, and thought, so when she says that she is a female version of me, that's pretty accurate. She's wrong about the "better" part, but she is so much fun. We have a great time, as you can see from our blog.
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